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Home / Sustainability / Communities / LXML Donated X-ray Machines to the Vallabri District Hospital
LXML Donated X-ray Machines to the Vallabri District Hospital

“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This proverb is at least 120 years old and exists in many cultures and languages. The proverb tells us that it can be more beneficial in the long run to teach a person how to do something than to do that something for them.

How is this reflected in our community development? In 2020, LXML purchased a new x-ray machine for Vilabouly District Hospital through our Community Development Trust Fund, valued at approximately US$85,000.

Building on this initiative, we provided US$5,000 in training to doctors and others at Vilabouly Hospital to teach the team how to use the machine. The training included interpreting radiology results and maintenance.

The x-ray equipment will enhance capacity and health services at the hospital and local district through timely, accurate and clear diagnostics, where previously patients needed to travel all the way to Kaisone Phomvihane District in Savannakhet to conduct x-rays in serious medical cases. This can now take place quickly in Vilabouly District.

Vilabouly Hospital has since conducted x-rays on nearly 2,000 patients and reduced the number of patient transferals to other district and provincial hospitals.

Moving forward, thanks to LXML’s community development, Vilabouly Hospital will maintain the x-ray machine and transfer knowledge to provide essential medical support to the 45,000 community members in Vilabouly District.

Since 2003, the Community Trust Fund has invested nearly US$910,000 in health projects, of which 35% was allocated to Vilabouly District (US$317,000). The support includes health infrastructure, ambulances, medical supplies and equipment, and capacity building for health officials.

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+852 26233363

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