On 29 September 2023 at the Lao German Technical College (LGTC) in Vientiane Capital, Lane Xang Minerals Limited (LXML) attended the introduction of 18 new starters from Vilabouly District high school to intake the LGTC’s apprenticeship program from the year 2023 to 2027. The event was co-chaired by Mr. Saman Aneka-LXML Managing Director, and Mr. Khamsavay Gnommilavong-Director of Lao-German Technical College and with the attendance of senior technical staff from LXML and the expert-vocational teachers from LGTC college.
The year 2023–2027 apprenticeship program is under the extension of the 3-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by both parties in mid-2022. The LGTC’s expert-vocational teachers have debriefed the progress made by the first 18 apprentice trainees during the year 2022. The key learning from the discussion will further apply to the improvement of the Group 2, as well as addressing any concerns or proposed actions from LGTC and LXML.
As of 18 August 2022, LXML has started to provide 18 scholarship packs to the high school graduated from Vilabouly District’s communities next door to Sepon mine. Pending to their choices these students will receive the training in electrical, mechanical, heavy machinery, fabrication, crane operations, automotive, and auto-electrical trades to meet the requirements of the labour market.
The program will include vocational training at LGTC sites and internship practices at LXML’s Sepon Project site. In the past between the years 2015 and 2018, there were eighteen Lao apprentices who completed a five-year graduated Australian Certificate III Trade qualification and a Lao Diploma of Technical Training. The graduates received valuable skills to contribute to their career development in the Lao PDR and Abroad.
Mr. Saman stated that "LXML is proud to sponsor the qualified vocational training for the Vilabouly District local students and build up better livelihoods for the future generations. The in-taken skills and experiences by the participants will contribute to Sepon's operations and to the Lao PDR."
Since Sepon’s Operations commenced in 2003, LXML has invested millions of dollars in training, scholarships, apprenticeships, traineeships, and internship practices. More than 105 Lao participants graduated from the provided apprenticeship programs, and 36 professionals graduated from overseas with higher educational diplomas.
Up to June 2022, LXML has provided 23,000 training hours to Lao employees through internal, external, on-the-job training, and the overseas study. In the second half of 2022, LXML has reinstated its popular Supervisor and Leadership Development programs to support the next generation of Lao mining professionals.
Since production commenced in 2003, Sepon Mine contributed over US$1.7 billion in taxes, royalties, and dividends to the Government of Laos. There were hundreds of millions of dollars spent on employment, training, and local community business development. The mine employs approximately 5,000 local people.
Furthermore, LXML is the only mining operation in the Lao PDR consistently rated A+ by the Ministry of Energy and Mines for its commitment to social and economic development, health and safety, environmental protection, and maintaining international standards. LXML remains committed to supporting technical scholarships for local communities in the Vilabouly District and is proud to contribute to the development of Lao PDR.